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Hold Customers Accountable

This week's Newsletter:



Yesterday I spoke about my method for holding customers accountable (link to video below). Making customers successful is all about getting them to change their behavior to produce measurable results.

So, how do you get customers to change? It seems like a daunting task because CHANGE IS HARD!

❓ Wouldn't it be fantastic if you could commit your customers to change and then hold them accountable?

Here are the 3 simple steps I've found enable me to hold customers accountable and drive meaningful improvement:

1️⃣ It starts with MOTIVATING customers to change.

It's a huge mistake to assume customers know WHY they are doing this and what results they are expecting. Some customers do, but most don't.

It's essential to start by defining the results that justify the change:

✅ Write down in simple terms what is the BUSINESS RESULT that the customer expects and exactly how it will be measured.

✅ Once you have that agreed, then write down what the customer will have to DO - what actions they will have to take - in order to achieve that result. (A simple tool for this exercise is my Customer Results Strategy Canvas, which you can download using the link below in the comments)

2️⃣ The next step is to COMMIT the customer to take the actions.

Now that you've motivated them by showing the key results they will achieve; it's time to commit them to take the defined actions. Here's my simple commitment script:

💬 Ask them if they will do the key actions.

💬 Ask what they will need to do and who they will need to involve.

💬 Ask when they will get them done, and schedule a follow-up meeting.

If they say they can't do any of the actions, then this is the moment to help them figure out what it will take:

→ Do they need leaders to authorize changes?

→ Do they need engagement from other departments?

→ Are they missing essential tools?

Whatever is needed must be solved. Help your customers think through how they will make change happen, and supply them with any advice and support they need.


👉 Technology does not produce results. Customer behavior change produces results, and technology makes it possible and scalable. 👈

3️⃣ The final step is to follow up and hold customers ACCOUNTABLE.

This may seem intimidating, but it's actually very easy...

✅ Meet with your customer and quickly review the Results Strategy that you wrote down in Step 1.

✅ Show them their results. If they are not progressing, clearly call it out.

✅ Identify the actions they failed to accomplish and ask them why. Remind them that each incomplete action is essential to the results they expect.

✅ Ask them what it will take to get them completed and offer to help.

✅ Now, simply commit them again to a new plan and target date, and schedule a follow-up meeting.

This is how I've become a key driver of customer process change. Try it, and let me know how it goes!

I recently covered this idea and showed exactly how I do it on a webinar hosted by Follow the link below to watch the session. ↓


Recent Event: Using Results to Hold Your Customers Accountable

Hosted by Client Success → View the Event Here

Watch the session where I present my 2023 CS100 remarks on the importance of using customer results to hold customers accountable.



"What if the results are terrible!" ↑ This is the most common reaction when I teach people to measure and show their customers' results. It's understandable. We know that far too many customers are NOT getting good results with our products. So, how could highlighting any customer's bad results be a good idea? HERE ARE MY TOP 3 REASONS: 1️⃣ MEASURING BAD RESULTS IMPROVES RETENTION 📈 Our research consistently shows that customers with poor measured results STAY TWICE AS LONG as customers who are not measuring! It makes sense because many customers have never measured their results, so they see this as progress. They understand that measuring is the first step on the improvement journey. 2️⃣ BAD RESULTS MOTIVATE CUSTOMERS TO CHANGE 📈 The data reveals that measurable results are the fundamental reason customers renew and expand. Customers with measured results stay 6 TIMES LONGER on average than those that don't measure. 👉 The primary reason customers don't get results is because they don't change their behavior/processes. 👈 Showing your customers their poor results is a powerful way to get their attention and motivate them to make essential changes. Change is hard, and you need all the leverage you can get! 3️⃣ SHOWING BAD RESULTS FOSTERS CUSTOMER BONDING I've always been intrigued by these customers with bad results who keep renewing. Interviewing many of them is how I stumbled upon one of the most fascinating customer insights... 💡 Many customers feel that when a vendor shows them their bad results it demonstrates they are serious about helping them achieve their objectives. Too often, customer success is seen as a "fair-weather friend" who only shows up to take credit or to sell something. 👉 Measuring and materializing customers' results is the most powerful way to demonstrate that you are truly customer-centric. 👈 ►► And revealing BAD results is the most sincere moment to do it! These are the biggest reasons I have learned never to miss an opportunity to show customers their bad results.


Upcoming Speach: The Future of Customer Success - Silicon Slopes

November 17th, 2023 @ 11:30am MT

Hosted by Silicon Slopes - Utah Customer Success Meetup

Join us for food, networking, and some big ideas about the future of Customer Success. I'll be showing why it's time for a total revamp of the discipline and even propose a new name for what we do! I hope to see you there!


New Podcast Interview: CSM Talk ep. 11: Greg Daines

I joined Kevin Reinhart to talk about the simple initiatives that can increase customer lifetime value up to 6X!

Episode 11 on Spotify -

Episode 11 on YouTube -



There are no technology projects, only business projects.


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