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Why does "LAND AND EXPAND” usually turn out more like “LINGER AND EXIT"?

Greg Daines

The problem isn’t the idea: expansion is absolutely CRITICAL to success →

• Customers won’t stay long-term unless their results are expanding.

• Your business won’t grow long-term unless customers are expanding.

• The success of everything relies on continually expanding the value you deliver.

And the problem isn’t the "expanding" part either, because most customers that exit were never really in a position to expand.

•• The real problem with land and expand is the FAILURE TO LAND! ••

Think about it this way…

• The essence of expansion is getting MORE.

• It’s silly to think customers want to expand their “account” or “MRR”.

• They want - and will pay for - more RESULTS.

• But you can’t get "more" of nothing!

That’s why it’s absurd to think that you’ve landed a brand new customer.


They've landed when they have achieved some results. Only then are they able to want more.

So the key to building an effective Land and Expand machine is starting with customer results:

1 • Make sure you know the customer's key results BEFORE you do anything else.

2 • Teach the customer exactly what they have to do to achieve those results.

3 • Measure and materialize the customer's results to keep them on track.

Once you’ve done this, you’ve actually “landed” the customer. Now they will be eager to learn what they can do to get more results!

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